MilluPlug, collaborate with everything
(Millumin V2 get native integration of MIDI, Arduino, Artnet, DMX, ...)

With MilluPlug, you can easily collaborate with other applications or devices. It supports many standards such as MIDI, OSC, DMX, Artnet, Arduino, ...
Please download the lastest version.
It's amazing all the capabilities which is available !!
well job !
I tested MilluPlug against the classic Enttec USB Pro, but I also ordered a "Mk2" for futher testing : I should received it next week.
I think the "Mk2" is better is many points (Enttec next generation), and you should buy this one.
Best. Philippe
To reply to your questions :
- Will it be possible to change the (four) mapping/corner points of a layer via MilluPlug ?
- Will it be possible to save to a file ?
Best. PhilippeIt's not planned and I'm wondering why it could be useful : please describe me a concrete case ? Tell me the story ...
It's not planned either sorry.
In the long term, MilluPlug is meant to be included directly in Millumin with such features (import/export configurations).
Ok, I'll try to add mapping point into MillyPlug as soon as possible.
Best. Philippe
I confirm : next release of MilluPlug (coming soon) will support "Enttec USB Pro Mk2".
I also ran tests with the "Enttec Open DMX Ethernet ODE" : it's perfectly working (via Artnet of course).
Best. Philippe
As you have recommend to me I have ordered Mk2 (from yesterday I have it in my hand) and I borrowed one intelligent head (Robe LedWash 600) for testing. Till now no luck with Milluplug but I can't find event some useful and cheap software for manage DMX light. I will write to you separate email with description what I want to solve with Millumin and DMX lights.
As said in my previous message, Mk2 will be supported by next version (coming soon).
Chameleon ( is a nice tool to test (or manage) DMX lights.
Best. Philippe
I don't think the MilluPlug behavior will be changed this way. However, a simple workaround consists in starting MilluPlug before pluging the Enttec device, so it won't be detected at startup (in the next version, you'll be able to redetect it later on).
Best. Philippe
I post this video on Millumin's Facebook wall with your credit. I hope it'd inspire other folks
I think mapping-points should come in the next update for MilluPlug. I don't have a release date yet, but it should be long (in august probably).
Best. Philippe
Next version of MilluPlug will tell you if your Enttec is connected or not. It will also support DMX input.
As now, you can only send a positive DMX value if you use the "when a cuepoint is reached". But again, next version will add the possibility to force a value : for example zero, to switch off the light.
This new version should come in 1 or 2 weeks.
Best. Philippe
A new update for MilluPlug is available : just check for updates ...
In brief :
- DMX signal in (new type of plug)
- Support for Enttec DMX Pro Mk2
- Minimum/maximum values for signals out
- Midi sources and destinations (settings)
- Fix : notes with Ableton Live
Best. PhilippeCC @lukas @silant
thanks and regards.
The configuration is saved automatically if you got a Millumin's license.
If not, you cannot save your configuration. Sorry.
Best. Philippe