Theater timeline / dashboard VS composition / cues

- I'm not clear about why I would use Dashboard instead of Composition for a 20 minute theater piece? What's the advantage?

- Where are the cue points located in dashboard? I can see them in composition but not dashboard.

- Also, the cue points made in a composition do not carry into dashboard (the timeline doesn't seem to register any cues made in composition)?

- Is dashboard a way to create scenes within a longer theater piece?

Couple auto transition and general transition questions:

In the auto transition button you can fade in/out but can you cross dissolve between two clips?

can you set clip to auto fade or dissolve in at CUE mark? I've been animating opacity and created a black fill layer in order to fade out and in at cue points.

thanks for help.  I've used millumin for previous looser video projection jobs and projects but now am trying to use for a linear theater piece and ma struggling with how to layout video and mappings so that they flow and are timed to the theater piece.  Are there any theater project samples that can be downloaded and examined?


  • Hello @Judgeworks,

    The usual workflow in Millumin would be something like : 
    Each column in the dashboard represents a "state" of the show. So you could have a composition per column. This is done because you can't know precisely the length of a dialogue. 

    If you need something precisely timed then you could use a timeline and import it in the dashboard.
    If you set cue points in a timeline, you can have it in the dashboard (select the timeline and set the start cue/end cue in the property panel).

    If you need a special transition between two clips, you can select "advanced transition" in the property panel.


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