test eGPU vega 64 on millumin V2

I have a Mac Mini 2018 and a Razer Core X + eGPU vega 64, this kind of configuration #1 : https://help.millumin.com/?page=03_faq/computer&keywords=configuration computer#pagePart

I plug my display with Millumin V2 on the eGPU but I don't know if Millumin run on this eGPU.
In Window > Monitor, I see nothing

Do you have a solution?


  • Hello @timo,

    If you want to see GPU usage, you need Millumin v3.
    Alternatively, you can run the macOS Activity Monitor, and check for GPU usage. Anyway, Millumin V2 and V3 automatically detect eGPU and use them right away, so you shouldn't care about it.

    Best. Philippe
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