TouchOsc how to get feedback from Millumin?
Hello everyone,
is there is someone can help me with this?
I've created a TouchOSC layout on my iPad to control the show
would be great to get some feedback from Millumin to the TouchOSC interface, for example :
timecode of the media / column I'm currently playing
current column selected
I understand there is a /millumin/ping , but I could not understand how to setup / use in TouchOSC
is that possible to do what I'm trying?
any help will be much appreciated!
Did you follow the tutorial ? First, be sure it works with the official Millumin templates, and train yourself to understand how these templates work with Millumin.
Then, please read the OSC documentation to know what messages TouchOSC can receive from Millumin.
Best. Philippe
To pause/unpause a media, yes, you can use the "/millumin/layer/media/speed" message.
It works both in the dashboard and in compositions.
Be sure to precise which layer is the target. Examples :
Best. PhilippeThe OSC message are correct. Please attach your template.
Be sure you followed this tutorial, and everything is working with the "TouchMillumin" template.
Another check : use MilluPlug to create 2 "keyboard" plugs that set the speed to 0% or 100%.
Let me know the result.
Best. Philippe
There is an error in the OSC message : it shouldnt be "millumin'layer/media/speed/0" but "/millumin/layer/media/speed/0"
I tested the "TouchMillumin" template on a iPad (Millumin running on Mavericks) and everything is all right :
Please check in your template that you didn't copy-paste special char (such as Japanese ones).Best. Philippe
There is no "speed" for the composition : this parameter is only available for movies.
The only solution is to render your composition to a movie file.
Best. Philippe
You can use TouchOSC's MIDI Bridge (please read TouchOSC's documentation to learn how to use it) to create a general-pause.
Once installed, use the "MidiPause" template attached to this message, and MIDI-map this template to the general-pause button in Millumin.
Best. Philippe