MilluNode / Video routing
Ayant trouvé des informations sur le fait que MilluNode n'est pas accessible dans le video Routing, je voulais savoir s'il y avait eu des avancées sur ce point ?
Je suis actuellement sur un MacBook Pro M1 Pro, donc seulement 2 sorties vidéo, j'ai besoin de 3 sorties, donc l'utilisation de Millunode, cependant le fait qu'il ne soit pas accessible dans le video routing rend mon utilisation de Millunode inutile.
Est ce qu'il y aurait d'autres solutions ?
Merci par avance de votre réponse.
Bonne fin de journée
Hello @Théo,
I will reply in English, so everybody can understand (if you want to write in French, rather send us an email).
Video-routing implementation is not planned for MilluNode. At least for now.
If you need a third output on your MacBook Pro M1 Pro, you could use Blackmagic UltraStudio Monitor 3G (around 130€). More info in this article.
Best. Philippe
Hi Theo
If you are using MilluNode which is still in Beta I am assuming that you are in a "trying to make something work, but won't loose your head if it doesn't work perfectly" kind of situation.
If that is the case you might also want to look into NDI, which does work in "Video Routing".
First you are setting up your video routing so it uses NDI as an output. Then you open a second instance of Millumin (just copy the Millumin app in the application folder) make a new project in which you only deal with picking up the NDI output from your other instance of Millumin, set it on the canvas the way you want it, then send the Canvas output to your Millunode and ultimately "Save&Disconnect" your Millunode so it continues to run autonomously.
I found this to be a workable solution in some circumstances especially since you can continue to use Millumin's functionality without restrictions (shaders, timelines, etc.). The limitations are your networks ability to handle the required bandwidth, things like frame sync between outputs, image quality considerations, etc. and it's definitely not a setup that can run on its own, since you will have to do some troubleshooting every time you use it before it works reliably. But in a pinch I found it to be very useful.
In a nutshell, you are using Millunode to build your own NDI output device.
Best Ruppert