Auto-follow latency
Is there a solution to the very small auto-follow delay? (M3 - but is also present in M1+2)
I have a show where I want the audio to continue seamlessly from one column to the other although it is divided in two audio files.
Audio one has 'auto-follow' enabled. no transitions. Audio two in the next column. no transitions. (Qlab does this perfectly)
I have tried with wav files and videos with audio embedded. the result is always the same - a small break before the next audio. (we are speaking about 100-200ms enough to be noticeable )
I have even tried launching the audio from Qlab via millumin+autofollow+osc on the same mac.It produces the the same latency.
However if I manually go to the next cue/column the delay isn't there.
Any help will be very much appreciated.