What's the best computer to run Millumin ?
Millumin uses mainly the graphic card, so the better your graphic card, the better performance.
You can compare graphic card score on this website.
For example : if you buy a MacBookPro, be sure to choose a model with a dedicated graphic card (GeForce or AMD, not only an Intel one).
The drive is important too. If you got big files, you need a good one, that can read fast : for example a fast and internal SSD, or a fast external hard-drive.
Please, use the codec Photo-JPEG to optimize the performance (MP4/H264 movies uses more CPU/GPU).
At last, if you uses multiple graphic cards, keep in mind that rendering can only be done by one graphic card, and the result must be pushed to other graphic card, which is time consuming (the other softwares have this limitation as well). More informations here.
Of course, we are working on better integration of multiple graphic cards, but we cannot promise anything for now.
By the way, be sure to run auto-optimization

- click on the Optimize icon in the top-left corner
- or, from the menubar, click on "Project" then "Optimize
You can compare graphic card score on this website.
For example : if you buy a MacBookPro, be sure to choose a model with a dedicated graphic card (GeForce or AMD, not only an Intel one).
The drive is important too. If you got big files, you need a good one, that can read fast : for example a fast and internal SSD, or a fast external hard-drive.
Please, use the codec Photo-JPEG to optimize the performance (MP4/H264 movies uses more CPU/GPU).
At last, if you uses multiple graphic cards, keep in mind that rendering can only be done by one graphic card, and the result must be pushed to other graphic card, which is time consuming (the other softwares have this limitation as well). More informations here.
Of course, we are working on better integration of multiple graphic cards, but we cannot promise anything for now.
By the way, be sure to run auto-optimization

- click on the Optimize icon in the top-left corner
- or, from the menubar, click on "Project" then "Optimize
Did you try to use a matrox triplehead with a resolution of 3072x768 with millumin on your minimac to play a video file at the same resolution?
I would like to know if it works before buying a minimac
I just try triplehead in "dual" modality, 2048x768 with 2 fullHD clip.
Sure in next weeks ill give it a try and i will tell you more!
Keep in touch!
let me know
I setup matrox screen to 3072x768 and render out composition of three videos into one MOV output. Even this file is not played well.
Does anybody have macmini with HD3000 and some experience with more HD videos played simultaneous?
So you are using a total resolution of 3072x768 on your MacMini, right ?
Did you try to load your video from an external harddrive ?
Do you use Photo-JPEG codec ?
But sure..the hd3000 is not the best for getting out with hd clips.
As @Dadovisual said in the 2nd comment of this thread : Is it what you was looking for ?
Yesterday I did a test with a mac mini
Intel Core i5 dual-core processor at 2.5 GHz,
4 GB of DDR3 1333 MHz,
AMD Radeon HD 6630M with 256MB of GDDR5 memory
and a Matrox triple headPD
I tested to lauch a 3072x768px video with Millumin
It works well
I also tested this USB to VGA adapter :
The screen was lagging a bit, but to use for the interface of millumin, it's enough
so with this adapter, you can use 4 outputs on the mac mini: 3 for the outputs and 1 as control screen
From my experience : if you plan to use Millumin with a Mac Mini, don't take the most expensive model.
Why ? Because this model comes with a bad graphic card (an Intel HD3000).
The second model, the one with the AMD Radeon 6630M tested by @legoman, is much better, because it comes with a decent graphic card !
It's very important as Millumin uses a lot the graphic card (as any video application).