JavaScript for parsing spreadsheet

Hi everybody and happy new year!

I am trying to write a Millumin compatible JavaScript to read the attached spreadsheet containing Media Names, with the rows corresponding to the layer index and the columns to the column index in the Dashboard in Millumin (obviously not starting at 0/0 but at 1/1). The script needs to parse the contained information and subsequently use the "Millumin.importMediaFile(path, indexOfLayer, IndexOfColumn, false)" function to import the media files from a folder on the computers desktop and automatically place them into their corresponding positions on the Dashboard in Millumin.

It's for a situation where there is an absurd amount of media, layers and columns, a situation that would make manual import and placement a tedious work of a possibly several days. At this point it is however mostly for a proof of concept, or in other words, I am trying to see whether this could work in principle.

I do not know JavaScript, and my attempts of letting AI help me out have been unsuccessful. So my first question is whether or not this is even feasible and then if anybody felt compelled to help me with it or at least point me in the right direction.

Thanks a lot!


  • …I actually think I found a simple solution (haven’t fully done it yet, but I think it will work just fine).

    rather than trying to write one complex javascript that can do it all within the millumin framework, it would appear much simpler to create a python script that does the parsing and subsequent creation of a hard coded javascript without any complex logic and compatible with Millumin’s API. I guess it would even be possible to create a self contained app with automator containing the python script.

    does that seem to be a sensible approach?

    just sharing

  • ...just to confirm that this approach worked well.

    so if you ever have 5000 Media files that you need to put into your Millumin Dashboard according to a spreadsheet, this is the way to go.

    I am happy! Scripting really is tremendously useful (even if I would have prefered Python or Lua over JavaScript)

  • Hello @ruppert,

    We just added a Javascript example in latest Millumin V5 beta (5.12.d) : to load an XLSX file then import media.

    Best. Philippe

  • thanks a lot!

    always a pleasure!

  • Could you give me an example of how to use the import javascript with the files I have on my machine?

    both .XLSX and .Mov files?

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