Audio output question

edited September 2014 in MAIN
I'm using the demo v1.5 and have a question regarding audio routing.

In the audio properties, the output tab only shows default device instead of all my audio sound cards (RME, Protools, Mac Built-in, Kona 3G). If i want to change sound card i need to do it through the sound panel in the system this normal ?


  • Hello @vudoo,

    You should start Millumin in 32-bits mode (see Preferences).
    Then you should see all your sound cards inputs.

    Best. Philippe
  • hello phillipe
    i 'm  video technician for wajdi mouawad.
    i met you in paris for the show ' SEUL' in chaillot theatre last year.
    Is it possible to use millumin whith jack audio because sound flower work only in 32 bits so  it's make trouble with it.
    thank's for your request.
  • Hello @coachmen,

    Sorry, we do not have experience with Jack Audio, but I guess it's working the same way as SoundFlower.
    So in theory, yes, it's possible.

    Best. Philippe
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