stretch or extend a video clip

edited June 2014 in MAIN
Hi guys, 
Is there any way to stretch a video file on a composition layer ?

eg: I have one clip of 10s, I want to make it 35s long. If I drag the beginning or end of the clip I end up with a loop, what I am looking after is a time stretch...  

Any suggestions, thoughts, ideas are more then welcome



  • edited June 2014
    Hi olgv,

    as i know, it´s not possible via Millumin.
    Maybe you could try Twixtor for After Effects.
    Apparently the best PlugIn for timestretching.
    Altough After Effects is able to do some timestreching itself, but its not so accurate as Twixtor.


  • Thanks a lot CitizenCaine
  • Hello @olgv and @CitizenCaine,

    You can simply adjust the "speed" to strech the movie. However, yes, this is not like Twixtor that reconstructs frames.

    Best. Philippe
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