full screen with Mavericks

edited November 2013 in MAIN
I have the new MBPr 15" with mavericks and Millumin 1.42. When I use the full screen on another screen the toolbar remains visible. I don't find solution except for a crop on the video-projector. Any ideas ?


  • edited November 2013
    Hello @Baptiste,

    Yes, Mavericks can displays contextual menubar on external displays now.
    2 solutions :
    - you can go to Millumin Preferences and check "Always hide OSX menubar"
    - you can disable these menubars from the OSX System Preferences / Mission Control

    This gonna be fixed in the next update.

    Best. Philippe
  • Hi @Baptiste,

    What you can do is :
    - System Preferences > Mission Control > unselect "screens have distinct spaces" (my Mac is in French, it's a litteral translation of "Les écrans disposent d'écrans distincts")
    This will make your screens act as under earlier OS's.


  • Thanks.
    For the "Always hide OSX menubar" I didn't see. It works.
    For the Mission Control >  "Les écrans disposent d'écrans distincts", it doesn't work.
    Best. Baptiste
  • Regarding Mission Control, you have to relaunch your session
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