Matrox Multi input/output cards into Millumin
Dear all, and especially Philippe ;-)
Do you have any idea about the compatibility of Matrox Multi input/output cards with Millumin: ?
They are I/O 3G/HD/SD PCI-e X8 cards and I assume, knowing Matrox ability to create efficient and durable products, that they could be very interesting interfaces for high-demanding needs, mounted on MacPros or Hackintosh either as inputs or outputs.
It's specified that "all of the hardware components are supported by the Matrox SDK for Mac", maybe it can be compatible with Millumin?
Thanks in advance to everyone!!!
I contacted Matrox in april to get their SDK (the libraries to support correctly their product).
They first refused, but I recontacted them in august : they would maybe send me their SDK. Time will tell ...
Today, I sent them again an email, explaining (again) that my company wanted to support natively their products, like we did with Blackmagic and AJA.
Sorry for this fuzzy reply, but that's all I got for the moment. In the meantime, Matrox input card can be used via the Quicktime components (but you cannot output).
Best. Philippe
Millumin doesn't manage TripleHead : Mac OSX does it. Then Millumin displays exactly the same outputs as you can found in System Preferences / Monitor.
When plugging a TripleHead, Mac OSX recognizes it only one very wide output. It's normal if you have only 3 outputs : you got your main LCD screen, the first TripleHead and the second TripleHead.
As suggested in the "Multiscreen" tab of the "Output" popup, you need to create 3 screens per TripleHead in Millumin. Please read this post for more information.
Best. Philippe