Entire scene loop?
I am new to millumin but can’t find any easy answer for this problem I am having:
I have 2 videos playing in an installation, each on one of 2 screens. There are 2 sound files split between 5 speakers, so 4 files total, 2 .mov and 2 .wav.
they are the same length, but because of encoding, after a few loops, you can hear them slowly falling out of sync. On the first play they are perfectly in sync. I cannot change the media inputs, but would just like a simple way of making them all start at the exact same time in each loop.
how can I make a simple loop, where all 4 are not looping independently, but rather all 4 files start at the same time for each loop, meaning that if one starts slightly before enough in basic loop mode, this wouldn’t happen.
Hello @iezzi,
I guess the simpliest way (to create such a loop from movies with different duration) is the timeline.
More info in this article.
Best. Philippe