Sensors as creative controllers
Hi there,
I would like to share a project I am trying to bring to life which might be of interest for some of you.
It’s a plug-and-play sensing platform for creative and audiovisual applications, with MIDI, OSC, wireless capabilities and a convenient web interface. So it should play well for interactive Millumin projects.
You can turn motion, touch, distance, buttons or other sensors into wireless controllers quickly and reliably.
After using arduino for years to tinker around with sensors, but encountering so many limitations and struggles, I decided to develop and share a much easier, convenient and robust solution. It is mostly though as a toolset for installations, performance and experimentation.
The project will be open source. There will be a pre-order campaign soon on Crowd Supply (a platform for open source electronics).
If you are interested, check out the pre-launch page and follow the project updates !
You can also check the Instagram:
Any feedback or questions welcome !