MilluNode on Windows 10/11

edited November 2024 in MAIN

Hello everyone

I'm testing with some mini PCs and I can't start millumin Node. Previously, it gave an error after trying several times to open the application. The error was called "QT PLUGIN" And I can't get it to work to test with blending.

Is there anyone who can support me?


  • Hello @JosueCamargo,

    We apologize for the inconvenience. The problem is not coming from us, because Microsoft recently released an update for Windows that changes how applications are compiled, thus this issue on some mini PC (especially NUC i3). Recent computers are not affected.

    We published a version of MilluNode yesterday to fix this problem. Please download version 0.58 or higher on our website.

    Thank you. Philippe

  • It's a pleasure to be able to read you, I hadn't been able to do tests, but just this error has already been eliminated, only now I have problems sending live inputs, millumin node shows Media no support

    Thak you

  • Hello @JosueCamargo,

    Live inputs are hardware specific to the machine : when you program MilluNode through Millumin, it only sees the hardware of the Millumin's machine, and not the ones from MilluNode. Thus live inputs are not available in MilluNode.

    Does it make sense ?

    Best. Philippe

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