Edge blending problem (Help need urgently)!
Hello Philippe,
I have a question regarding edge blending. Today I have a show with two Sanyo projector PLC-XF47A 15000 ANSI lumens and a Mac Pro with two graphic cards (with four outputs, one for the monitor and three for the projectors).
I am trying to do edge blending with two projectors, but after setting up the projectors and Millumin I can't edge blend the two screens together. I figured out that I need a third projector.
Is there any possibility to do the soft edge blend with just two projectors? The show is starting tommorow morning and I need your help urgently 

Thank you in advance for your answer.
Best regards,
How many displays your Mac detect ?
For example, on the image attached, I got 2 displays (my monitor and my TripleHead).