Natural Transitions with Timelines - Reset timeline start point

Hi. I´m testing the asynchronized timeline function. I noticed that if I launch another column in the middle of the playback (in Dashboard), when I back to launch the timeline It continues the playback from the last frame before playing another movie/column. The only way that I found to restart the timeline playback is play the last segment of the timeline. Could be really helpfully that timeline resets it´s playback any time that you launch the first column / segment of the timeline. Maybe this is posible but I couldn´t find the way to do that.

Any help will be appreciated.



  • Hello @NicolasMarinooo,

    Sorry, I am not sure to understand your use case. Would you want to "reset" the asynchronous timeline when you stop playing it ?

    Feel free to share a short/minimal project here to illustrate your use case.

    Best. Philippe

  • Hi Philippe. Thanks for your fast answer.

     Would you want to "reset" the asynchronous timeline when you stop playing it ?

    Yes, when I am in Dashboard, every time that I plays the first column/segment of the asynchronous timeline the the timeline has to starts from the beginning.

    I attached a movie with an example and description.

    Best regards,


  • Hello @NicolasMarinooo,

    Thank you for the details.

    We should change the behavior in next beta version, so it matches your needs.

    Best. Philippe

  • edited October 2024

    Hey phillipe - also had the same question. It’s odd that even when I’m just jumping around it’s not so easy to get an asynchronous timeline to reset. Also the time progress on the right doesn’t seem to quite match up. Has this been fixed in beta or alpha? Best, jost

  • Hello @sonarkon,

    Yes, the behavior has been changed in V5 beta version. It will not be changed for official V4 version because people were used to this behavior (that can make sense in some situation).

    Best. Philippe

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