Deactivate momentarily auto go and Data track actions.

Hello, is there an hidden way to Deactivate momentarily auto go and Data track layers to be able to work in Edit Mode ?

I have often 2 situations where it would be very helpful :

1) I put often an auto go less than 1 second in a column and if I want to adjust this column it's difficult because it jumps very quickly to the next one.

I always use a separate layer only for auto go.

2) If I control shutters in a data track thru PJ linck ou Artnet, I would like to have the possibility to deactivate them sometimes for example if I want to work without projecting during a rehearsal. I know the option of putting the master video on 0 and it's what I do.

If by clicking on the eye of a layer, it deactivates auto go or Data track action, it would be great for me.

Would it be the same for others ?




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