MilluNode & windowed-mode issue

edited July 2022 in MAIN

Hi, It's john from Theoriz.

I do the first test for a theater show with 150 comedians which will occurs on october.

I tried 1 macbook 2015 as master and 2 laptop windows as node.

On one win laptop it is connected a 3440 x 1440 screen. On thhe millumin master, I create a canvas of 4600 x 1870 split on 4 display of 1920 x 1200 (I know it's not logical but i'm just tested the soft ;) )

here it is the video of the bug.


  • Hello @john,

    We published a new version of MilluNode (0.34).

    Let us know if your issue persists.

    Best. Philippe

    PS : there is a "feedback" button in MilluNode so you can take notes and contact us directly. This is easier for us to manage bug reports, ask for private info, exchanges files, ...

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