OSC question

edited June 2013 in MAIN

I trying to make a OSC Layout with Lemur, when I push a Swtich with OSC message: /millumin/layer/media/1/1 and I push another Switch with OSC message: /millumin/layer/media/4/1 or /millumin/layer/media/10/1  last switch pressed deactivates the others but if this switch have the OSC message: /millumin/layer/media/11/1 or /millumin/layer/media/25/1 or /millumin/layer/media/32/1 don´t deactivate the others.

I have checked with WireShark and seems that Millumin Only returns OSC Feedback until /millumin/layer/media/10/1.

Is possible get osc feedback from each layer/media I have added ? 



  • Hello @ibox,

    This have been fixed in the lastest version (1.34).
    Now Millumin return only 2 messages : one to say that a media have been stopped, and another one to say that a media have been started.

    Best. Philippe
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