Multiple layers speed control
first, sorry for my poor English.
I have a simple question.
Can I change media speed on multiple layers in same time?
I'm using Millumin as a show media player.
I can't using timecode synchronizing for various reasons.
so I control media speed manually by sending osc message with midi controller.
basically I rendered all led surface in one file (mov, prores 422)
but maybe next project. I need to control two media at once,
anyway. I tested by chateigne
Send osc message with same midi key mapping like this
/millumin/layer:1/media/speed/ [1.5]
/millumin/layer:2/media/speed/ [1.5]
It seemed working.
But when I release mapped key, It shows slightly different frame. (1 or 2 frames delay)
Do you have any idea of control media speed on different layers without delay?
shells(and a few others). As well, I’m not sure why they chose % of the
default speed over just normal speed units. I’d like to see them switch
it to actual units instead of the percentage.
Maybe they can add an “Advanced speed” option that reveals all these extra speed controls.