TUIO not working...

Test with reacTIVision 1.5.1
I use " udp 3333" on reacTIVision

TouchDesigner : Ok
Millumin : Not Response


  • Did you activate TUIO from Millumin/Preferences/Addons ? Is TUIO green-lighted in Millumin/Device/Others (CMD+K) ?
    Could you test with mini-application "Tuio Trackpad" attached : are your fingers tracked ?

    Best. Philippe
  • edited November 2018
    Touchdesigner + Tuio Trackpad is Ok....
    Touchdesigner + reactivision is Ok....

    Tuio Activated. 
    Millumin+ Tuio Trackpad is Ok....
    Millumin+ reactivision .... still nothing in Millumin.

    mm.png 964.8K

  • Millumin is supporting TUIO "2Dcur", but not other objects ("2Dobj", "2Dblb", "3Dobj", ...), and it only uses position (X/Y), not the rotation or other infos.
    On its side, reacTIVision uses "2Dobj" : for next update (Millumin 3.11.e), we implemented support "2Dobj" and "2Dblb". So you could get the position of your objects on your react-table. I sent you an intermediate version via email.

    Lastluy, feel free to create an idea on Uservoice here, to check if some people are interested in a more complete implementation for TUIO.

    Best. Philippe
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