Mask / Canvas / WhoTodo Questions !

Hi guys ! 

I'll soon have to work on new project (one man show, but with set !) 
So, I've got three surfaces and hitch one have a videoProjector for it (3xUltra Short Throw, like between 0.28 and 0.20). 
The purpose is to make the entire decor of the show. 
Just for unterstand better, here a link toward screenshot of setting ! 
- I cannot put theses three surfaces together, like they are IRL, because I have to make 3 separate output, with spaces between them. 
So If I'll can put mask directly in output, I could put surfaces in the canvas, like they are for real, links together (It will be more convenient for guys who will launch the show !) 
- And with theses 3 surfaces I've got  Pixel Led Strip betweeen some of them (red lines in Screenshot) ! For now, I've almost find the right product for it ! But I have to put it on separate spaces, to put differents video on it. 
And what is the best : Should I have one canvas for all of, like 3840x1080 ? Or 2 canvas of 1920x1080 (résolution are just for exemple !) 
What's The best between theses two ? 

Thanks everyone, in advance ! 


  • Hello @Bud,

    I don't understand what you want to project on this three surface. Is this three video with no relation between ? If so, there is no problem. Or do you want to have a continuous picture on these three surfaces ?

    If this is the second solution : this is not easy but you can try to do it with 4 canvas :
    - The first canvas will output on a syphon flux. You do all your compositing in this one.
    - The 3 others canvas output on a different projector. In these three canvas you just have one layer with the input syphon flux for the first one and copy layer for the two others.
    - In the slice editor you keep only the useful part for the outputting projector (you can also use some mask).
    - You'll surely still have some continuity problem between those three surface. You can do some warping to correct it.

    I don't understand if there is a question about the led strip. If there is, can you reformulate it ?

    Let me know if that solve your problems.

    Sincerely your,
  • BudBud
    edited February 2018
    Hi Nicolas ! 

    First, thanks for your answer, and I think the option with syphon should work ! 

    But I think we'll have movies/animations on all three surfaces and from time to time, on one of them only, and maybe differents on each.   

    With 5 canvas (1x Master / 3x VP outpout / 1x for Led pixel) it works ! 

    For the LED pixel, the question was, is it better for the GPU / Computer to make one canvas of 3840x1080 or two of 1920x1080 ? 

    Finally, with five canvas of 1920x1080, That is not going to slow down my computer you think ? 

    And so, is it possible in milliu to apply mask directly on output ? 

    Thanks a lot for your help ! 

  • Hello @Bud,

    "For the LED pixel, the question was, is it better for the GPU / Computer to make one canvas of 3840x1080 or two of 1920x1080 ? " :
    It is usually better to make one big canvas than many small ones for the graphic card. But depending on your project, it's not necessarily the most handy thing to do.

    "Finally, with five canvas of 1920x1080, That is not going to slow down my computer you think ? " :
    The more you try to render, the more your computer have to work, and so risk to slow down. Anyway, on most macs, 5 canvas of 1920x1080 should be ok. All depends on your mac's configuration, and most of all, on your GPU. You can find more information about this topics here.

    "is it possible in milliu to apply mask directly on output ? " :
    Technically, in Millumin, you cannot apply a mask directly on the output. But it isn't a problem. You just have to create your mask in a layer on top of your canvas. Use a black color card and the mask tool.

    Did that solve your problem ?

    Sincerely your,
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