Canvas problem

Hello, first sorry for my English.

Here, I have a problem theses days that never happened before :
I have three canvas for one VP and I customize them compared to the stage.

My problem is that sometimes, and not everytime, I have to make them again when I re-launch millumin because the software change their form inexplicably. 

Have you seen this problem sometimes?

Of course I save my file after adapting my three canvas...

It seems it's a problem from adapting video size with the VP but I can't see a problem in this last one, its properties don't change....


  • Hello @Yakult77

    If I understand wheel, the output mapping of you canvas is not conserved when you relaunch your project ? 
    Are you sure that the "Setup Output" popup is closed when you save your project ? In other words, the title of your project should pass from grey to black when you save it. 

    If that's not the case, could you share your project (without the medias) so we can investigate on this? 


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