"cue" point system in Millumin2

Hello to everyone and thanks in advance for help.
I'm creating an interactive application with millumin2 and Touch OSC that controls different movies activation with button on ipad interface,
I need to jump from different timeline specific points inside millumin2 during a play mode. I saw that in millumin1 you have the "cue" feature in the time lime where you can tell the system where to go in timelimes; you can bring the playing content in very specific point of you timelines. 

I don't find anymore the "cue" system in mullimin2.
Is there something similar that I can do to jump in different points in my project timelines?
I see OSC/Midi data timeline you can add to a layer but in the tutorial I only understand how to connect with an external device but not to move inside specific position inside the program.

For example I want that during the play mode on a timelineA in a specific key time jumps in a specific key time of timelineB.
How can I add "cue" points in millumin2?

thank you again



  • Hello @UWG,

    As described in this post, we suppressed the cue system to replace it by the segment system that is much more powerful. If you want to know all about the segment system, please read this tutorial.

    Anyway, for what you need, you can create multiple segment in a timeline (see first attached file) and then display it in different columns (see the second attached file).

    So, to jump to a specific "cue", you just have to launch the specific column. The osc order will be :
    /millumin/board/launchedColumn [index,"name"]

    You can find the list of all the millumin's compatible OSC orders here.

    Does it solve your problem ?

    Sincerely your,
    edited November 2017

    dear NicolasB

    thank you so much for your help.

    I need to go further asking more things if you have time

    I’m trying to understand your path but it don’t get it 100%

    I try to explain better my application:

    there are 3 moments:

    1. welcome movie

    2. exploration of content : time based

    3. goodbye movie


    a loop movie of welcome will play : figure 01

    this movie will play until an user select a video from tablet via button/touch osc


    on board I created 2 layers:

    1 layer 1 with a movie of countdown extended for all the columns of the video content available (defined time)

    1 layer with different columns: I mapper each layer selection with Touch OSC so user can switch between different video content


    A movie that will say your time is over, goodbye

    I need that when the movie 3 “goodbye” ends, the player goes back again to “Welcome”


    COLON 1 : movie intro LOOP / no osc

    COLON 2 to 5 : layer “movies” columns from 2 to 5 / osc buttons signals to select different content

                            : layer “interface” a countdown render movie in a timeline with the corresponding amount of time will play. at the end 

    COLON 6 : after the end on the timeline with the countdown I want that automatically switch on Column 6 from columns 2to fine. no OSC message


    At the end of movie playing in column 6 I would like that will restart atomatically column 1

    PS I have used board because if I use a  single timeline to place different video to jump from one to another the count down movie it will jump in different moment of the movie without playing sequentially as I need to display for users

    I have an Issue withOSC messages. if I paste to the osc flag signal /millumin/board/launchedColumn [index,"name"] the system SENT TO an external port 8000 this out put. My needs is that this signal will stay inside the application to create this “cue “point like (an example): at the end of count down movie A  in layer1, go the the beginning of the column on board 1.

    Another thing:

    I break segments in 3 moments. I play sequentially once the first 2 parts . then the third and the I want to start from the beginning as a loop of this sequence.

    If I loop the 3rd part it only stays there and doesn’t start from the beginning (like I could do with cues)

    It is quite complicated (for me) dear Nicolas.

    I hope you understood and that you can help me

    thank you thank you in advance!!!!


    edited November 2017

  • another Issue I cannot solve
    OSC API option does't appear in my OSC settings

    thank you again

  • Hello @UWG,

    To do your installation, the better option seems to run two instance of Millumin.

    First instance :
    - 3 columns and 2 layers
    - 1st column : intro (loop mode).
    - 2nd column : the timer (auto-follow mode) on a layer, and a syphon/NDI input on the second.
    - 3rd column : the outro (auto-follow mode).

    Second instance :
    You should set the output of your canvas to Syphon or NDI, so you can display it in the first instance. In this instance you will have one column per media of the 2nd phase, EXPLORATION.

    In OSC, you will need to send an OSC order (/millumin/board/launchedColumn 2) at the first instance when you want to launch the 2nd phase, EXPLORATION.
    Then, during this phase, you can change the playing media by sending OSC order to the second instance.

    Is this working for you ?

    About your second problem, it seems that your OSC controller doesn't support Bonjour, so Millumin cannot automatically set its IP address. So, you have to manually set it. Or, your device isn't connected to the same network than your computer.

    Sincerely your,
  • thank youu Nicolas
    I try immediatly
    edited November 2017

    Dear Nicolas,
    the only thing I don't understand is how to use OSC messages inside Millumin2 
    to create these"cue" system
    1st question
    I have the input port where I receive OSC messages from external source to pilot the actions/sections that is port 5000
    then I have output port where I send the signal to an external device that is 8000.
    I don't understand how to create OSC messages like your example
    /millumin/board/launchedColumn [index,"name"]
    that stays in Millumin.
    . If I assign the same door in Millumin preferences for example 5000 and 5000 it gives me an error.
    . If I try to add a new server with + I only get OSC server where I have the same issue.

    1st question: 

    how can I communicate with OSC signals inside Millumin like a cue system

    2nd question
    where do I have to type the line of code like?
    1 . I create a new layer in a time line
    2 . I adda  movie
    3 . I add a data track with OSC
    4.  Then I 'm a bit lost here (see image):
    . I put the selector in OSC mode
    . then I have, flag option, always trigger optionI put have only  server- osc
    . then I have message: should I put there the line of OSC
    . then I what I have to do?
    .  make a key frame? then the key frame only has numeric values.. 

    so if I activate "flag" it add these text OSC messages in timeline but when I press play and the cursor of the timepasses on that nothing happen.
     Also in the board you can add a layer of OSC messages and also here I' dont understand how to use them. You can add key frames but are just numerical values. The only way it seems with flags..

    I'm very sorry to continue come back with issues but it is not easy to do with OSC. I understand the structure but I have OSC technical issues I'm not able to solve

    Can I kindly ask you if you can make some print screen about how to set up OSC messages to jump from different point of the timeline and on the board?

    edited November 2017
    Dear Nicolas,
    I don't want to pilot OSC messages of the timeline from an external device ( I want to pilot only the movie selection EXPERIENCE from the ipad).
    I want to use and create an OSC messages system INSIDE  millumin to jump from different points during the playing of the song in different timelines boards.

    Is it possibile?
  • Hello @UWG,

    Two OSC port cannot share the same port. So you have to manually change it in the device manager.

    If you want to send OSC message from Millumin, you have to use datatrack. Please follow this tutorial to learn how to use them.

    Let me explain you quickly what is an OSC message or order.
    /millumin/action/launchColumn 2
    -> "/millumin/action/launchColumn" : is the address of the message.
    -> "2" : is the argument of the message.
    In Millumin, this message is used to ask to launch the second column of your project. If you want to launch the fourth column, change the argument by 4.
    To send and receive OSC messages we use OSC servers. There is two kind of server : input and output ones.
    The input server receives OSC messages. It has two characteristics : an IP address (the same of your computer) and a port.
    The output server sends OSC messages. Its IP address and port should the same than the input server it want to communicate with.

    But it doesn't seem to me that you need to use datatrack for your project. If you look at the project I described you, you just need to setup you IPad to send those OSC order :
    - /millumin/action/launchColumn 2 : you send this order to the first instance to launch the EXPLORATION phase
    - /millumin/action/launchColumn 'indexOfColumnToLaunch' : you send this order to the second instance to launch the media you wants to play during the EXPLORATION phase.
    You cannot do this with touchOSC because you cannot communicate with two differend server at the same time. So I recommend you to use Lemur that can do it.
    Read this tutorial to know more about Lemur.

    You can find in attached file a sample project. To make it work, open your two Millumin instance and manually set to different input port.

    Sincerely your,
  • Hello @UWG,

    I just think you also can do it with touchOSC if you use the midi bridge. To do so, you have to configure your touchOSC to send midi instead of OSC, and have the touchOSCBridge run on your mac. You can download it here.

    You can find in attached file a sample project that work with the midi bridge.

    Sincerely your,
  • dear Nicolas
    thank you so much for your precious help
    you are great guys, your product is amazing


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