update layer content from database

edited September 2017 in MAIN
Hello everyone
we are creating an application archive with a lot of movies to play, one per time, not simultaneously. (200/300 movies in total).
Our aim is to make an automation program, a script, that changes the video content in the layer automatically from a database.

1.Question regarding content change:
is there a way in Millumin2 to Load/update a file from database to a layer on the dashboard content,  automatically, with an external coding script (without drag and drop each time)?

2. Question regarding maximum loaded content range
Which is the maximum amount of movies/content size I can place in a single layer in the dashboard (where I can add single events) that can smoothly be played directly as soon as they are activated? does it depend on RAM space/size?

Thank you very much in advance for your attention



  • Hello @UWG,

    1.Question regarding content change:
    is there a way in Millumin2 to Load/update a file from database to a layer on the dashboard content,  automatically, with an external coding script (without drag and drop each time)?
    No, it's not possible, but you could :
    - overwrite your files, then reload your project (Millumin will use the updated files)
    - create a mini-application displaying playing your movies, then sending the result to Millumin via Syphon
    - create an idea on Uservoice, to add new OSC messages to control such functions (see OSC API)

    2. Question regarding maximum loaded content range
    Which is the maximum amount of movies/content size I can place in a single layer in the dashboard (where I can add single events) that can smoothly be played directly as soon as they are activated? does it depend on RAM space/size?
    There is no limit in number of columns : you can add as many as you want.
    Millumin automatically preloads movies (the first coming ones, the ones coming in the next columns, the one coming next in the timeline, ...), so they starts instantaneously. If you want to force preload for all movies at once, check "force movie preload" in Preferences.
    As Millumin is a 64-bits application, it doesn't have a limit in RAM usage. Preloading movies consumes RAM, so the more files you got, the more RAM is consumed. But Millumin also optimizes its usage, so you don't have to care about it : nowadays computers are enough, and adding memory above 8Go won't change much things (unless you're also running other applications that uses a lot of RAM).

    Best. Philippe
  • Thank you very much Philippe!!
  • Hello Philippe,

    I tried  your solution == overwrite your files , then reload your project.
    My problem:  the endpoint in current media section of the new file  is the endpoint of the old file in current media section. 
    e.g. the length of the new file change from 6 sec to 8 sec. The endpoint  of the new file is still 6 sec. 
    In my setup I have no possibilities to change the endpoint manual in the current media section.
    and with the Interactions tool I have no possibilities to catch this problem  and make my own OSC- command to change it. 

    any ideas ? 

    Best Torsten 

  • edited November 2019
    Hello @tKonnopke and @UWG,

    Next beta of Millumin have have a new OSC message :
    /myLayer/import ["path/to/my/file", columnIndex]

    So you would be able to import file via OSC and place such media in the dashboard.
    If needed, I can send you an intermediate version foor testing.

    Best. Philippe
  • Hello Philippe,
    thanks for the quick response. 
    Please send me an intermediate version for testing. 

    Best Torsten 
  • Hello @tKonnopke,

    I did so, check your emails.

    Best. Philippe
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