advice on 3 projector show

I'll be doing a 3 projector show for theater. It will be all prepared, not much live effect add (a little on the camera) and consist of media (video), camera live input 720p and quartz comp but all the time on the 3 screen. I need one output to be 1080p the other can be 720p. I wonder if a macbook pro 2012 retina (650m) or max later one ( 750m ), can be with computer own outputs or matrox . It actually does work, i've done thing with mine with is a 2012 but i wonder about stability on the long time. The show will be touring without me and should be safe. Has someone already use that config ? Not sure if i build an mackintosh or buy them a macbook pro. Thank's for any advice if someone already tried.


  • Hello @svekr,

    The MacBookPro Retina 650M should be enough. See this post.
    One exception if the environment is very hot : it might affect the performances of the GPU (if too hot, the GPU reduces its performances, in order to reduce its temperature). In this special case, be sure to use a stand like the iLap (or something else) to prevent your laptop from overheating.

    Best. Philippe
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